Isaac Lawton – Born 1730

A Little History Written by: Leo Lawton January 2, 2022 At the end of the Revolutionary War there were several factions yet at odds. Obviously Great Britain and the several Colonies were not at ease with each other. Another faction to be considered was numerous separate American Native tribes. The newly separated colonists were not too fond of those Natives […]

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English History

Written by : Leo Lawton Want some history on a rainy afternoon? One August, in an archaeological dig the skeletal remains of Richard III were located beneath an automobile parking lot in Leicester, England. So what, you might ask. It’s like this: He was King Richard III from 1483 through 1485, by virtue of the fact he killed off a […]

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Of Kings & Things

By: Leo Lawton Henry Tudor was born a Welshman in 1457, although he descended from both the Plantagenets and the House of Lancaster. Not yet thirty years of age, he slew King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, and soon made himself known as King Henry VII. He united his red rose of Lancaster with the […]

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Author: Leo Lawton Ye Olde England During the eighth century before the birthing of the Christ Child the Celts began battling, marauding, and settling on the verdant shores of the eastern and southern areas of the large island located off the northwestern coast of the mainland. Sporadic raids had been taking place for centuries, but now they were forming colonies […]

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Richard Lawton to Leo Lawton Liniage

1. RICHARD1 LAWTON was born Abt. 1499 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England, and died Aft. 1542 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England. He married UNK PURRIER Abt. 1520. She was born in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England, and died in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England. Children of RICHARD LAWTON and UNK PURRIER are: i. ALICE2 LAWTON, b. Abt. 1523, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, Eng; m. JOHN BARNWELL, Abt. 1541. […]

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A History of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England

Author: Leo Lawton The Saxon, Ailwin Niger, in 998 granted a manor to the monks of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire. A church was built by the monks, and the manor continued in their care until the monasteries were dissolved during the reign of Henry VIII, and the lands reverted to the Crown. This grant, of the area named Cranfield (cranes in […]

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Olde England Information

Written by: Leo Lawton (King Edward I) In the year 1042 Edward I was installed on the throne of England. For about a century most kings had ruled through a minister rather than directly, and so it was with Edward I. From 1042 until 1053 Edward I, with the aid of an exceptionally able minister, Godwin the Earl of Wessex, […]

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