History of Leo’s Home

Time inexorably goes on, and early in 1894 the aging Moses Fisk, who turned 81 April 27 that year, decided to sell the old home he and Hannah had known for more than thirty four years. In May he gave the old house a fresh coat of paint, in preparation for the sale, but he became ill with a severe […]

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A Vignette of an American Family

By: Leo Lawton June 22, 2010 Philo Lawton was born in 1818. The first documentation of his life that I have located is the 1850 United States Census report. At that time he was listed as 30 years old, but it is not unusual for error in census reports, as information was often given by children, friends, landlords, etc. Although […]

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Of Kings & Things

By: Leo Lawton Henry Tudor was born a Welshman in 1457, although he descended from both the Plantagenets and the House of Lancaster. Not yet thirty years of age, he slew King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, and soon made himself known as King Henry VII. He united his red rose of Lancaster with the […]

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