Will of George Lawton

George² Lawton (second son of George 1) was born about 1647 at Portsmouth, RI and died September 11, 1697. He married Naomi Hunt born September 15, 1658 at Portsmouth, RI and died January 13, 1720/21 at Portsmouth, RI. They married January 17, 1676/77 at Portsmouth, RI. She was the daughter of Bartholomew and Ann Hunt. Their children were as follows: […]

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Will of Job Lawton 1714/15 – 1773

Job Lawton 1714/15 – 1773 Author: Leo Lawton The following document has been transcribed from the original Will of Job Lawton. It was found within the pages of the old Family Bible. Although, difficult to decipher in places, the spelling and wording is that of the original document dated 1773. Large portion missing at the beginning of the will……arrive to […]

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Harvey M. Lawton of Kansas

Lawton Biographies Transcribed by Leo Lawton from A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. HARVEY M. LAWTON, who owns and resides in a comfortable home at 817 Kansas Street in Larned, is an old timer of Pawnee County, where he arrived in 1877. He came […]

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Oliver Lawton’s Farm

By: Leo Lawton Peter Warren was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1703. By 1744 he was in command of a 16 ship squadron of the English Royal Navy. He had become a wealthy man. Using some of that wealth he purchased thousands of acres of land along the Mohawk River in central New York in the colonies in 1738. Peter […]

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Old Pioneer Days – Part II

Author: Grace Petterson I “Grace McClain Petterson” will try and write a few things as I remember my mother telling them to us. The family continued to live on the old homestead although things were hard for them and the family was growing. When mother was sixteen she was going steady with a young man six years older then herself […]

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Old Pioneer Days

Addie Lenora Lawton McClain 1868-1944 This story was lovingly hand written by Addie Lenora Lawton McClain, (1940) and painstakingly transcribed and edited by Stephen Lawton. It was sent in and graciously proof read by Denise Crawford and her husband Vaughn. Thank-you folks! I was born in 1868 in Big Springs, Ottawa County, Michigan in a log house in the home […]

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A History of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England

Author: Leo Lawton The Saxon, Ailwin Niger, in 998 granted a manor to the monks of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire. A church was built by the monks, and the manor continued in their care until the monasteries were dissolved during the reign of Henry VIII, and the lands reverted to the Crown. This grant, of the area named Cranfield (cranes in […]

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Olde England Information

Written by: Leo Lawton (King Edward I) In the year 1042 Edward I was installed on the throne of England. For about a century most kings had ruled through a minister rather than directly, and so it was with Edward I. From 1042 until 1053 Edward I, with the aid of an exceptionally able minister, Godwin the Earl of Wessex, […]

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